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What is the role of the 3D laser scanner in Museum digitization?


With the rapid development of 3D laser scanning technology recently, 3D laser scanning technology  can be used to scan a variety of target objects efficiently, collect massive high-precision point cloud data or mesh data. This technology has the advantages of scanning high speed, real-time display, high precision, and non-contact  measurement, to realize the measurement from a single point to 3D surface. The emergence of 3D laser scanning technology has brought the field of surveying and mapping into a new era. which has gradually become a research hotspot in many fields, such as engineering survey, mining industry, digital city, deformation monitoring, and so on.


Here is the content list:

 What is the technical principle of the 3D scanning system?

What is the role of the 3D laser scanner in Museum digitization?


What is the technical principle of the 3D scanning system?


3D laser scanning technology is a new technology in recent years, which has attracted more and more attention in the research field all over the world. Based on the principle of triangulation, it can quickly collect the three-dimensional scan data of the measured object and various element data such as line, surface, and volume by recording the three-dimensional coordinates, and color & texture of a large number of dense points on the surface of the measured object. Because a 3D laser scanning system can intensively obtain a large number of data points of the target object, compared with the traditional single point measurement, 3D laser scanning technology is also known as a revolutionary technical breakthrough from single point measurement to surface measurement.

What is the role of 3D laser scanner in Museum digitization?


In recent years, the application of 3D laser scanning technology in museums  has been widely used and applied. The successful one is the realization of a 3D digitization project of some cultural relics in the Palace Museum, which enables people to enjoy the 3D visualization of the collection on the Internet.


Using 3D laser scanning technology, the Palace Museum comprehensively collects and reproduces the elements of the main ancient buildings and cultural relics in the Palace Museum, and establishes a complete 3D digital model and database of ancient buildings and cultural relics. In the “digital Forbidden City”, virtual reality technology is adopted to produce realistic 3D simulation scenes through high-performance graphics workstation, and then projected on a large screen through a projector, combined with sound, so that the audience can experience immersive audio-visual effects, which can permanently retain the brilliance of the Forbidden City at the “digital” level.


Generally speaking, the application of 3D laser scanners in the field of Museum digitization is mainly in the following three aspects.

  1. Digitization of cultural relics

The digital preservation of cultural relics collected and preserved in the museum by using 3D laser scanning technology can provide a certain channel and basis for the historical inheritance of cultural relics. Once the cultural relics are destroyed, people can successfully restore them according to their digital archieves. Therefore, it is a general trend to digitize the cultural relics collected and preserved in the museum by using 3D laser scanning technology.


  1. Virtual Museum

As we all know, all physical museums are composed of buildings built in a certain area. Due to regional restrictions, there will be inevitable restrictions to visit on site. With the virtual museum, people can break the regional restrictions and have an immersive experience and feeling no matter when and where.


  1. Restoration of cultural relics

Cultural relics protection is one of the basic functions of museums, and the core of cultural relics protection is the restoration and maintenance of cultural relics. The application of 3D laser scanning technology to cultural relics protection can scan the accurate geometric information and other 3D data of cultural relics, to establish a complete 3D model, which is convenient for the accurate repair of damaged cultural relics.

With its advantages of fast, non-destructive, and accurate data acquisition, the 3D laser scanner has accumulated rich application experience in the field of culture and Expo. It can be used in the course of digital application and restoration of cultural relics, digital protection and inheritance of art in the school of art and design, enabling surreal experience with AR and VR technology, and giving a new model to the museum exhibition in the new era. ZG Technology is a professional metrology-grade 3D scanner solution provider to develop, manufacture, and sell 3D portable measurement technology and provide engineering services based on independent intellectual property rights, cutting-edge technologies, and achievements from Wuhan University. If you have a 3D laser scanner and related purchase needs, you can consider choosing our cost-effective products.

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